Change a Child’s Life!

You can change the life of one child and improve the world!

Do you want to make a difference in the world? Of course you do!

Here are two ways you can change a child’s world.

  •  Purchasing things a child needs.

When I was a child, I was very excited to finally go to school like my older brother.  On my first day of first grade, I skipped to school by his side proudly, happy to finally be going to school.  When I got there, my teacher was very nice to me.  She was impressed with the fact that that I was already reading and understanding National Velvet.

But I also felt embarrassed and ashamed. I did not have school supplies like the rest of the kids in the class. My teacher had to give me the basic school supplies I needed.

Now I am an adult and I love to help others.  I have been enjoying buying and filling backpacks with school supplies and taking them to donation points.  Picking the coolest-looking backpacks and filling them with the coolest-looking school supplies I can find gives me great joy.  Hoping that the kids who receive them enjoy them, I have filled and donated 10 backpacks so far.

  • Being a big brother or big sister.

My family was very extremely dysfunctional but I did not feel like I was alone in the world.  I had many “big brothers” and “big sisters” watching out for me constantly, especially my beloved Grandma.

As young as three years of age, I was allowed to walk anywhere I wanted to walk—to the park, around the block, to the corner store.  Even though I was small for my age, I was safe walking around by myself. My Mother did not know it but I had many adults watching out for me who cared about me.


All of the help I received from others as a child made a huge difference in my life.  I knew that others cared about me.  I knew that if I could only get out of the house a while, I would be okay.

All of the love and support I received has made a difference.  Now I write to help others.

Remember that helping others, especially a child, will help you overcome depression and anxiety.

Even if you make a difference in the life of just one child, you are a world changer.  You never know what that child might grow up to be because of your help and your love.

Help a child soar like an eagle over life’s storms!  Help change a child’s life!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Another simple way to improve a child’s life…

And give a child success by teaching him values also…

Make certain a child has the strength to say no to drugs also…

What are the most powerful forces? Love and positive thinking!


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!

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