Communicate Effectively

Encouragement to communicate effectively on near a river.

Seven strategies to effectively communicate with anyone.

Years ago, I saw a counselor due to my marital issues. The counselor listened.  She advised me to leave him because of his abuse and make certain I communicate effectively until I do leave him.

I asked her, “How can I communicate effectively with a man with narcissistic personality disorder, who also has untreated bipolar depression?”  She told me to try these strategies to communicate with him. These communication strategies improve communication with most people, from young children to older people regardless of their issues.

  • Eye contact

Always make eye contact to make certain the person knows you are speaking with him.

  • A calm tone of voice

Always use a calm tone of voice.  If you are too upset to use a calm tone, you probably need to wait to discuss this issue.

  • “I Statements”

Begin every subject with an “I statement”.  “I feel _____ when ______happens. Or I feel ______ when I hear the words _____.”

I statements enable you to get the other person’s attention without blaming him or her.

  • Never accuse!

Never accuse the person you are speaking with, regardless of how you angry you feel.  Accusing the other person does not help you to work together toward a resolution.

  • Restate

Restate what the other person says in your own words to make certain you have understood what he has said.  Then pause and give him a chance to think about your restatement.

Restating what the other person has said gives him a chance to correct any misunderstandings.

  • One issue at a time

Only discuss one issue at a time.  Do not drag other issues or frustrations into the conversation.

  • Try to resolve the issue

After both parties understand the issue as well as it can be understood, try to resolve the issue.  Suggest more than one resolution.  Then work together to choose a resolution both parties agree on.

You can communicate effectively with anyone, regardless of any issues either of you may have.  You simply have to maintain control of your emotions and remember the steps to effective communication.

Effective communication is vital to every relationship.

Parents, remember to always role model effective communication with your children.  If you do, they will be more likely to communicate effectively with you as they get older.

Soar like an eagle over life’s storms.  Communicate effectively to resolve issues.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


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near a river common core reading book

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