Continue Like Suh Does!

Ndamukong Suh gives great advice about how to change what others think of you.

When I was in high school, one of my friends thought that football players were physically strong but not smart.  So I watched our football team play a few games. Then I decided to disagree with her.

Playing football requires more than physical strength.

Players must remember which particular play to associate with a hand signal the coach communicates and immediately begin to perform it. There seem to be many hand signals for many plays during a single football game. Successful football players also make good instant judgments and respond to the body language of their team members.

If a football player applies his abilities to his life, he is successful both on and off the field.

Ndamukong Suh, a defensive tackle for the NFL Los Angeles Rams, definitely makes good judgments. He uses his abilities both on the field and in life.

During a Super bowl LIII pregame broadcast about this NFL player, he explained that your life circumstances do not determine your success and neither does what others think of you.  If you are bothered by what others think of you, Suh advises to just continue being who you are.

I could not agree with him more.  There have been times in my life when others accused me of being something or someone I am not.  And I have simply responded the way the Rams defensive tackle responds—by continuing to be who I am.

My friends have had similar experiences also.  But they, like me, have just remained faithful to their values and continued being who they are.

If you have this problem, try Suh’s strategy.  When others accuse you of things you have not done or of being someone you are not, just ignore them and be true to yourself.  If they continue to accuse you, just continue to ignore them.

Only you know the truth about yourself, so just continue on like Suh!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


What is the best way to deal with a negative person?

Reflect on your past, but live in the present…

How others treat you is not about you!

Hurt others and hurt yourself also.


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