Coronavirus Finances

Coronavirus can be deadly both to your health AND your finances!

Money is getting tight due to the quarantine and your inability to work, but you can improve your finances.


You haven’t worked since the coronavirus began, and your computer or cell phone ruins your day. You need this item and your finances don’t allow you to replace it or take it to repair shop. What can you do?

There is a simple solution. Employ the first technique most repair shops use when fixing any electronic device.

Power discharge it!

You can easily reset how an item functions back to way it functioned when it was new.

  • Disconnect the device from all sources of power. Remove the battery or let it run down to zero, and unplug the device.
  • Hold the power button down for three minutes.
  • Release the power button, reinsert the battery and plug in your device.
  • Turn it on to find out if you have solved the problem. If power discharging for three minutes didn’t work, try power discharging it for five minutes, and ten if necessary.

If power discharging doesn’t work, your electronic device probably needs help from a qualified technician; the problem is most likely mechanical and not related to software.  But, usually it does work.

Power discharge anything that uses power from electricity or a battery and has a power button: your remote, your car fob, your computer, your modem and router, etc.

Are your finances strapped?

Even when our finances aren’t very tight, we think logically about our money.

Once our home owner’s insurance suddenly increased, although we had filed no claims and there had been no crimes or claims in our area. So I shopped around. I found that AAA would charge us $800 per year instead of $2,400 like the other company did. AAA would also provide better coverage. Naturally, I switched to AAA.

Recently, our auto insurance renewal date arrived. The cost to insure our vehicles with basic insurance was over $3,500. I called AAA, and the agent there quoted a much better price for comprehensive coverage: $1,358 to insure all four of our vehicles for one year.

You can shop around for a better rate on any bill. Did you know you can transfer your credit card balance to another company with a lower interest rate? Also, you can call any business and inform its representative that you’ve found a better rate and will switch to the other provider if that company doesn’t reduce your bill.

Are you paying off a medical bill?

Just pay $1 a month and the doctor’s office cannot turn your account over to a credit bureau.


Money is tight and times are hard, but you reduce your expenses so you can provide basic necessities for your family and children.

The power to overcome coronavirus finances is in your hands.


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