Don’t Worry About Coronavirus!

Why is it a waste of time to worry about coronavirus?

I have been traveling on the East Coast during the coronavirus pandemic. Although I have a compromised immune system, I choose not to worry about this threat.

Why do I refuse to worry about the fact

that I could get coronavirus before I get home?

My immune system cannot fight off illness when I’m stressed. When I become tense, my body produces the hormone corticosteroid, and this isn’t good. It reduces my lymphocyte (white blood cell) count and therefore prevents my immune system from keeping me healthy.

Instead of further compromising my ability to fight off disease, I prefer to help myself to remain disease-free. Yes, I wash my hands for twenty seconds frequently, cough into my elbow, avoid shaking hands, and stay away from groups of people as well as others who appear ill. I have also broken my habit of touching my face and continue to get 8 hours of sleep every night.

But there are a few more things I do

to keep my immune system on task.

Soak in Phytoncide

Phytoncide exists in nature. Plants and trees produce it, and it protects them from germs and insects. It also helps human immune systems deal with every type of attack, from viruses like coronavirus to cancer.

To expose myself to this wonderful substance, I just walk outside as much as possible.

Stay Hydrated!

Did you know that good hydration enables the body to ward off disease?

Always drink plenty of water and keep your skin moist.

Watch the Comedy Channel

Laughter boosts the human  immune system.

It decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving the body’s resistance to disease.

If you don’t have the comedy channel, you could have a tickle session with a loved one. My husband loves to tickle me; when he does this, we both laugh.

Snuggle Lots! 

Research has proven that touch strengthens the immune system. Like laughter and phytoncide, this inexpensive miracle drug also decreases cortisol and increases your body’s ability to fight off disease.

Snuggle your loved ones! Snuggle your pets!

Carry Hand Sanitizer at All Times!

My husband and I both carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer at all times and use it frequently. Recently, we almost ran out and could find no more to purchase, so we made our own with a proven recipe. We mixed 1 part aloe vera with 1 part rubbing alcohol.


Does our country want to avoid the spread of coronavirus and other diseases?

Wake up, America, and stop worrying!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

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Animals do it right!

Try to rid yourself of negativity.

Where you can find an n95 mask?

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