Cost of Dad’s Love

What is the cost of your Dad’s love? And how much do you charge for your own love?

A young boy approached his Dad after he returned from work one evening.  He handed his Dad a piece of paper he had written on.

His Dad put down his briefcase and sat down, and then read the piece of paper.

The note was a bill.  On it were these words:  “Here is what you owe me: For cutting the grass, $5, for cleaning up my room this week $1, for going to the store for Mom $.50,  For taking the trash out $1.25, for getting a good report card $5, for cleaning and raking the yard $2,. The total owed is $14.75.”

Dad sat and considered his son’s note for a few minutes. Then he picked up a pen and wrote a reply on the back.

“For all the time I spent helping you with homework, there is no charge.  And for all the nights that I stayed up with you because you had bad dreams, there is no charge.  Likewise, there is no charge for all the trying times and tears you have caused through the years or the toys and food and clothes I bought for you. Nor am I charging you for all the nights that were filled with dread and worry waiting for you to come home. When you add it up, the cost of my love is no charge.”

When the son finished reading what his Dad had written, there were big tears in his eyes. He looked in his Dad’s eyes and said, “Dad, I sure do love you!”

Then the son took the pen, picked up his bill, and wrote in big letters, “PAID IN FULL”.


Always remember how much this person was charged for his Dad’s love and think about how much you charge for your own love.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Keep your promises!

A gift you can give your Dad…

Every child must get these messages!

Yes, you sure can reduce your utility bills, Dad!


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

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