Celebrate Easter!

A great way to celebrate Easter is to learn the lessons from the Easter story.

Encouragement to learn from the Easter story on near a river.

The Bible tells the story of Easter.  Most of us have heard it many times.  But can we learn from the Easter story?

Here are four life lessons about being a strong person from the Easter story.

Jesus shared the Passover meal with his twelve disciples.  During the meal, he washed each of his disciples’ feet.

When he finished washing each man’s feet, he explained why he did that.  Washing their feet symbolized serving others. He set an example for them to follow.

A strong person helps (serves) others, regardless of his rank.

  • Endure the hard times patiently.

Jesus knew that he would be crucified on Friday.  He knew this would be a difficult and painful time.  And he endured this difficult and painful time patiently.

A strong person endures hard times patiently.

One of his disciples named Judas Iscariot led an angry mob to Jesus.  Judas identified Jesus to the angry mob by kissing him on the cheek.  Before his crucifixion, Peter denied even knowing him.

But the other ten disciples did not deny or betray Jesus.  The majority of Jesus’ disciples supported him until his crucifixion.

A strong person stands up for his beliefs, regardless of how others mock him.

Jesus’ father, God, had told Jesus he would be crucified.  He also told Jesus he would rise again on the third day. In spite of the pain and agony he had to endure, he kept his faith.  His true followers kept their faith also. The third day after his crucifixion, he rose again.

Faith is powerful.  Faith enabled Jesus to endure great pain and agony.  It enabled his followers to cope with what happened.

A strong person knows the power of faith.  A strong person holds onto faith in the hard times.  He knows faith will enable him to survive.


Teach your child these lessons about being a strong person. Set an example for your child.  Be a strong person. Tell your child what you are doing and why you are doing it.

Remember that you child will copy what you do instead of what you tell him to do.

Soar like an eagle over life’s storms.  Teach your children to be strong by your example.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


What can you say to an atheist?

Show every member of your family love!

Want your child to be a healthy, productive adult?

The most powerful forces in the universe are love and positive thinking!


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!

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