Energy Vampires

Encouragement to manage these energy vampires on near a river.

Do you know what two devices in your home are the biggest energy vampires?

Even if you turn off the lights when you leave a room and only run your air conditioner part of the day, your electricity bill still is very high.  Why is this??

Look no further than your entertainment center. Your cable box and DVR recorder are power inefficient energy vampires.

A 2011 study by the National Resources Defense Council found that cable boxes and DVRs were the most power hungry devices in a home second only to air conditioners. Based on the estimated number of these units in the United States, the net power bill for all the cable boxes and DVRs across the country was roughly 3 billion dollars. Two billion of this was wasted during the approximately 16 hours a day the devices sat idle.

After this 2011 study was published, researchers distributed the information.  But still little has changed in the past seven years.

It seems silly to me to pay a higher electricity bill just so that my television comes on instantly.  Instant gratification is not worth paying up to thirty percent more for my electricity bill!

If you or your family needs the television to come on instantly when you press the power button on the remote, you can install a timer to turn it on only during the hours you watch it.  But if you watch television like we do, only sporadically, you can just turn off these energy vampires when you are not using them.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Have faith that your life will get better, even if you are not Christian.

If your electronic devices are not working, here is a simple fix.

Some ways to stay cool that do not raise your power bill.

Want more ways to reduce your electricity bill?


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

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