An Example for Your Children

Encouragement to teach your child by your example on Near a River.

Teach your children key principals for success through your example.

When I was growing up, my role models—my Sunday School teacher, my grandmother, my neighbor, my teachers in school—set examples for all children around them.  Their examples taught me these  five key principals that have contributed greatly to my success and have enabled me to be a leader.

  • Always do your best.

The role models I chose  always did their best regardless of  their situation.  Even when their best did not seem to be enough, they always did their best.

  • Learn from your failures

When I earned a C minus in math in the fourth grade, my role models encouraged me to keep trying.  I did.  And in the sixth grade, I was an A student in gifted math.

  • Like yourself.

My role models taught me that it is not important to fit in.  It is important to like yourself.

They did not worry about what others thought about them.  They lived so that they liked themselves.  For example, my favorite Sunday School teacher was also the church secretary.  She did not care if others liked her.  She did her best at all times and therefore liked herself.

  • Always excel.

The key adults in my life always tried to excel in everything they did, even if they had to learn a new skill to do this.  I learned by watching them that I should always try to excel in everything I do.  Even if I must find a way to learn new concepts and skills first.

  • Be loving, compassionate, forgiving, and kind.

They also performed random acts of kindness every chance they could.  I watched them forgive others.  I watched them treat others with compassion instead of judging. And most importantly, I watched them forgive others instead of holding a grudge.

I learned the real reason for forgiveness by observing these key adults in my life:   Forgive for your own benefit, not because the other person deserves to be forgiven.  Forgive so you feel happier with yourself.  It is not possible to feel truly happy if you walk around holding grudges.


Children learn by what the adults around them do.  Not what they say.  Please try to teach your children these important messages through your example.  Try to surround them with other adults who set the same example.

Enable your children to soar like an eagle above life’s storms.  Teach them life’s most important lessons by your example.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Survive no matter what comes along in your life!

Want some information about parenting?

 Do you want others to love you back?

You can do “the impossible” too!


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!

