
Encouragement to have expectations only of yourself and not of others on Near a River.

What are your expectations from life?  

Tomorrow on Thanksgiving I will not celebrate with loved ones.  Instead, I will travel with my husband and our two dogs all day. We will not have a big Thanksgiving meal but we will be together.  And that is all I want every day of my life.

We are travelling tomorrow because it is one of the safest days to travel and we must get South.  My husband has coronary artery disease and the cold winter weather in our North Country home does not work out too well for him.  I did not expect to travel on Thanksgiving but I am not disappointed either.

My expectations

Although I do not have expectations from life, I do have expectations of myself. My first expectation is that I will be thankful for my life and everything in it.  Today I am very thankful just to be alive, to be with my husband and our two small dogs, and to be able to travel. I am thankful for all of my loved ones.  Also, I am especially thankful for the angel who has been helping me spread my Grandma’s message.  I do not know who you are but I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart.  When I get to heaven, I will tell my Grandma about you!

Second, I expect that I will always have a good attitude toward whatever I need to do.  Tomorrow I must get up at 4:30 am to prepare to be on the road at 6 am.  I am not a morning person but I will get up cheerfully anyway and prepare to travel.  We are travelling to a place where my allergies are terrible and I sometimes get severe headaches, but I am not complaining. My husband puts up with the North Country for seven months of the year so I can put with my allergies and headaches for five months.  I look to the bright side—I always lose weight easily and quickly when we travel south because I do not feel like eating much. And I am happy that I can take medications to get me through and that I have health insurance.

Third, I expect that I will help others and be kind every chance I get.  A good friend just called and told me her car has broken and will not be fixed until next week.  She needs a car so I am loaning her my car until hers is fixed. Tomorrow when we stop I will be as kind and helpful as possible to everyone I encounter.  I may not get many opportunities to help others because few people will travel on Thanksgiving, but I will cherish each opportunity. I will also help my husband any way I can while he is driving.

Since I expect more from myself and nothing from life, I am happier than many people. Simply because I am not disappointed when things do not turn out the way I had hoped and I get the joy of helping others.

Soar like an eagle over life’s storms. Have expectations of yourself, not of life and other people.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Just celebrate what is!

Do you have difficulty sleeping?

What is YOUR biggest accomplishment?

Don’t let your past prevent your future success!


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!

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  • May God bless you and your husband with safe travels! Hope your five (5) months in the south will bring many blessings and good memories!