First, Close Your Eyes…

Before You Vote, close your eyes…

Close your eyes. Put all thoughts out of your head for a few minutes. Then picture your life where you are at this moment.

Keep your eyes closed. Picture yourself where you want to be one year from now, in two years, and in ten. Then imagine the best possible life for your children and grandchildren.

Now open your eyes and get paper and a pen.

Across the top of the page, briefly describe where you need to go in life.

Draw two columns. In the first, list things you need to do to reach your goals. What can you do to buy your dream house?  Get a better job? Do you need more education and a career change? In the second, list the actions you need to take to accomplish your goals. How can you finance your education? With your current income, how can you save money for your dream home, as well as your future and your loved ones’ futures?

On the back of the page, draw a realistic timeline for realizing the tasks in the second column—considering the politicians in office now.

On another paper, draw two columns again. In the first, list all the candidates, both Democrat and Republican, running for office who might be on your ballot—without their party affiliation. In the second, describe what they’ve done in the past that might help you reach your goals. Google their accomplishments if you need to.

On the back, list the candidates again. This time, don’t think their chosen parties, what you’ve read or seen about them, or what they’ve said publicly. Instead, flip back to the other side and reread the entire page. Now circle the ones your heart tells you to vote for…

Parents, please take time out of your busy life to go through this exercise. You can change the futures of your future as well as your progeny’s!

Close your eyes, vote with your heart, and make your dreams come true!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


No, it’s not a hoax…

Yes, they can take it away!

Seen any money trees recently?

Anyone can do our national dance.


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on near a river!

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