“FEAR”–Face Everything and Rise

There is a time to stay out of harm’s way, and a time to “FEAR”– face everything and rise!

My definition of fear is “face everything and rise”.

Until I was almost four years old, I heard loud violent arguing for hours every day.  I hid in a small space in the back of a closet.  I could do nothing to stop the arguing so I stayed out of the way.

Then I became afraid of monsters under my bed.  One night, my brother lay next to me on the floor, shining a flashlight under my bed for what seemed like forever.  I looked everywhere under my bed many times.  And I saw no monsters.

Before my brother helped me face my monster fear, I was fearful and timid.  Facing the monsters under my bed with my brother taught me a valuable lesson.  Running from fear makes you nervous, anxious,  and agitated.  But facing your fears gives you confidence and courage.

As an adult, I had to learn to face my fears again.  My ex-husband was a real monster.  And he was abusive.  It took me years to figure out how to leave him.  But I eventually found courage to face him in divorce court.  I never considered going back to that monster.

I still face my fears and rise instead of running from them.  If I hear a frightening noise during the night and cannot get back to sleep, I get up and check it out.  I do not ask my husband to check it out.  I generate more confidence and courage within myself by facing my fears.

The lesson I learned with my brother’s help has enabled me to get through many challenges.

Now I simply face everything and rise.

You can teach your loved ones to face everything and rise.  Simply practice this yourself.  As you practice it, tell your loved ones what you are doing and why.  Make sure you also enable your loved ones to face everything and rise like my brother did for me years ago.  If you even suspect someone is afraid of anything, help him to face it and rise!

There is a time to protect yourself from harm.  There is a time is a time to stay out of harm’s way.  But when you can do something to solve a situation, it is time to face everything and rise.

May you and your loved ones always face everything and rise!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


A simple fix that helps most things work better.

Never waste your finite resources.

 You have a miraculous power!

Meet my new wild friend!


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!
