Achieve Financial Success

You can achieve financial success!

Did you know you can achieve financial success with your current income?  You can!

The path to financial success doesn’t start with radical change. It begins by asking a lot of questions. It’s quite possible to achieve financial success without extreme frugality. And without a lot of wealth already in the bank or without a huge salary.

It is simple! Just use these easy strategies to walk down the path of financial success.

Practice effective frugality.

Be frugal only in the areas you do not care much about. Then use the money you save for something positive, like paying off debt.

By frugality, I do not mean deprivation in the areas your family cares about. Instead, simply cut away the things you barely notice. Then use the money you save for something financially positive. For example, air seal your home to decrease winter heating bills. Buy store brands. Make a list before you go shopping and stick to it. Negotiate a better insurance package.

Learn to cook well enough that your family enjoys eating at home.

Eating out is costly. Each time you eat out, the cost adds up.

Take a cooking class. Invest in kitchen equipment to enable you to cook good meals at home. Do not waste food. Many households buy food, let it sit around until it spoils, and throw it away.

Every morning, look in the fridge to find leftovers you can eat today instead of cooking a meal. At the beginning of each week, plan your meals. When planning meals look in the freezer and the cabinets. Use what you find as the basis for meal planning.

Scale back on treats until they become treats again.

Make a list of the things that happen each day in your house. Then make a list of those that are treats.

Make your normal household routines as inexpensive as possible. Then spice it with treats at intervals so they really feel like treats. You will spend less money. Your treats will be more pleasurable than before.

When you need to spend money, plan.

Do not allow the temptation to shop impulsively overwhelm you.

When you shop for food, make a meal plan first. Then make a shopping list. Practice this every time you shop for anything.

If you are going out with friends for an evening, think ahead. Take only enough cash for a reasonable evening. Do not take your credit cards. Credit cards open the door to impulse spending and bigger bills.

Spend your hobby time doing things instead of accumulating.

Do not spend your hobby time shopping. Instead, schedule time to practice your hobby. Put this time in your calendar first before other appointments, and keep it sacred.

If reading is your hobby, spend your time reading books instead of collecting them. If tabletop games are your hobby, play board games instead.


Being successful in life includes being successful financially, but this success takes effort and planning.

You can have financial success this year!


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