Find Your Soul Mate

Encouragement on near a river for you to find your soul mate.

Be patient.  Your soul mate is out there, waiting for you.

Has a recent relationship failed?

Do you need to find your soul mate?

You need to stop stressing out about the person who walked away from you recently.   That person was in your life to show you how NOT to treat others!  Just remember that someone you have not even met yet is hoping to meet you and that person is wondering what it would be like to meet someone as wonderful as you!

I was forced to divorce my ex-husband as an emergency room doctor told me that if I did not leave my then-husband, he would make certain I did.  I had come into his ER with too many suspicious injuries.

That doctor’s comment prompted me to find the courage to leave my now ex-husband.  For many years, I was lonely.  But I did not trust men in general enough to find my soul mate.

I turned to online dating because it seemed to me the safest way to find Mr. Right.  I was on several dating websites at the same time and eventually I met my soul mate, my current husband, through one of them.

While I was searching, I encountered many men who were not my soul mate.  They wanted me for sex only or they were simply not my soul mate.  Thus, every time I met someone who did not work out, I told myself that someone was sitting home wishing to meet someone like me, that we had just not found each other yet.

When I stopped stressing out about all the ones who were not Mr. Right, Mr. Right walked into my life.


Stop stressing out over those who do not turn out to be your soul mate.  Be patient and you will meet your soul mate.

Be patient and wait for that special person to enter your life.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Love and be loved back…

A love story started with kindness…

Would you like to communicate better?

Weeds succeed in spite of adversity and you can too!


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!


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