When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Flowers for You…

near a river encouragement flowers for you bj rae eagle

Here are some beautiful flowers for you, to help you enjoy your day.

When someone is ill or having a rough time, we often send flowers.  But, of course, it is okay to send them any day.

I picked this flower pictures just for you, to make your day.   If you know anyone who could use some today, feel free to share them!

These white ones remind me of young girls taking ballet class. They look like dancers wearing tutus.

near a river encouragement for kids flowers one bj rae bald eagle

Is blue your favorite color?  You will definitely enjoy these.

near a river encouragement for kids flowers two bj rae bald eagle   near a river encouragement for kids flowers three bj rae bald eagle near a river encouragement for kids flowers four bj rae bald eagle

Or do you prefer purple flowers? These will definitely brighten your day!

near a river encouragement for kids flowers five bj rae bald eagle near a river encouragement for kids flowers six bj rae bald eagle

Do you enjoy looking at unusual flowers? These flowers give a new definition to the words “interesting flowers”!

near a river encouragement for kids flowers seven bj rae bald eagle near a river encouragement for kids flowers eight bj rae bald eagle

Or is another color your favorite?  Burgundy perhaps? If so, please check these out!

near a river encouragement for kids flowers nine bj rae bald eagle near a river encouragement for kids flowers ten bj rae bald eagle

Although I cannot send each reader flowers at his or her home, I picked these flowers for you, just to make your day brighter.  Please enjoy them and share them with anyone you care about.

If you care about someone and cannot send them flowers, you can send them a link to this post instead. And if you need more digital flowers to send to the same person for a different occasion, just message me at bobbiejrae@gmail.com.  I have more.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Do you understand life?

Love others–be loved back.

What kind of person could you be?

Here are some encouraging words for Moms.


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes for children.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

Near a River common core reading book

is available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.

Buy BJ’s Near a River encouraging eagle reading book

for children you care about today!

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"Each reader's heart is like an eagle's and can soar above the storms in life..." - Near a River's Author, BJ Rae.

Written with uplifting words of encouragement, Near a River is a photographic children's book about two young bald eagles who are eager for their mother to teach them to fly so they may soar over the storms in their lives. Near a River encourages early childhood reading. BJ hopes that every child becomes a strong reader and soars above the storms in life.

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Please help BJ raise funds for the charities she supports–cancer research, child abuse, domestic violence, and disaster victims.


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