
A story and some facts about fussing…

Yesterday we returned from our winter trip to our home.

Naturally, the air was colder than it had been further south. However, we were not expecting the mess around our home. Our backyard is completely inaccessible due to the frozen snow. Our driveway turned into a giant mud puddle during the day as the temperature warmed up, so we had to park a car further down the driveway to be able to go anywhere. More than a foot of snow on our roof fell down during the day as it melted and made the puddle problem worse.

To make matters worse, an iceberg slid off the roof of our sunroom, bounced up, and broke two large panes of glass.

The harsh winter caused our driveway to fuss so much that we now must cover it with something to be able to use it–as soon as the snow melts and the ground dries.  This will cost thousands of dollars.

Late last night, one of our dogs started whining and refused to settle down. I tried to put him back on the bed repeatedly, but he kept jumping back down. So I put on my snow pants and down coat, leashed him, and took him outside. Next, I retrieved a flashlight and the pooper scooper. I picked up behind him immediately to keep the evidence from freezing into the cold snow.

Fifteen minutes later, I crawled back into bed with my husband. The dog snuggled down right next to me with his head on my leg and fell asleep.

As I tried to fall asleep again,

I realized a few things about fussing.

  • Fussing draws attention to a problem.
  • When there is too much of it, you must do something about it.
  • After you fix the reason for the fussing, others might appreciate you more!
  • Sometimes to fix it, you must make a hard decision. Your decision may cost you money, or may put money into your pocket.

I thought about what is going on in the world today and realized that these statements also apply to the world around me.

Is there too much fussing around you? 

What will you do about it?

Or, how will you allow others to fix the problem?


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Sometimes you help others by fussing!

How can you enjoy your workday?

Please wake up, America!

Don’t repeat this!


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on near a river!





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