About the Future…

Although we can’t control everything in the future, we can affect how it turns out!

We live in the North Country and have too much snow. Although it is the middle of April, we still have a few feet of snow all over our yard.

On Sunday and Monday of this week, we got over six more inches of snow.  Unfortunately, we had to get out of our driveway early on Tuesday, and we forgot to inform our snowplow guy of this fact.

So I got up at five am and prepared to shovel the snow in our very long driveway.

My downcoat fit fine, but my snow pants didn’t. Because I had lost over 30 pounds since I had last worn them, they kept slipping down and trying to show the world my underwear.  Like most people today, I do not have any suspenders, so the only thing I could do was continually pull them up.  When I got to the end of our driveway, our neighbor across the street was snow-blowing his driveway.  He is about eighty years old and probably didn’t notice my problem.  At least, I hope he didn’t!

A few hours later, we drove out of our driveway.

As we passed through town, I asked my husband to stop at a store, because I needed snow pants that fit me.

He questioned me, “Why do you need more snow pants?  The weather forecast claims we won’t get any more snow until winter arrives.”

“Well, I have learned that if I prepare for the worst possible event, that event is less likely to happen. If I get snow pants that fit me well, the weather will warm up, and we will not have any more snow this season.  And you know the weatherman misses the mark quite often!”

He laughed as he pulled into a parking lot. I went in and bought a new pair of snow pants.

Our future is getting brighter!

Can you imagine what happened to our weather and the snow in our yard now?  Just a few days after I bought new snow pants, the temperature got warmer, and the snow was melting.  Saturday our high should be almost sixty degrees!

If my new snow pants impacted our future, I am glad I bought them!  I was prepared for whatever might happen.

No, we cannot know what the future holds.

But we can prepare

for the worst possible scenario

to try to ward it off!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Why do I wish for bad things to happen?

Can you do something about this?

How do you say these words?

Just because she asked…


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on near a river!

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