Why So Much Chaos?

Encouragement to understand the give and take concept on near a river.

Failure to understand the give and take concept creates chaos in our society.

Did you know chaos in our world results when people take instead of giving and taking?  Takers take drugs, other people’s property, and other people’s lives.  But those who both give and take understand consequences for their actions and the delicate balance required to coexist peacefully in our world.

For successful people, the world is give and take.  Do you know that people who understand this concept are the most successful people, especially at work?  

What creates all the takers? And, how can you raise your child to give and take instead of just taking?

If you cannot teach your child that he must give and take to be successful, then he takes without giving. So, to raise a child who understands this valuable knowledge, you must make sure he understands consequences.

One of my aunts told me a story that happened when my Mother was a child.  She was a selfish child, living in a small home filled with her many siblings as well as her parents.  Her Mother had a large garden behind their home and grew food to feed the family. Preferring to sit around and read books instead of working in the garden with her siblings, my Mother often refused to help bring the food to the table.

Even when my Mother was old enough to understand that working puts food on the table, she refused to work in the garden.  Frustrated, my Grandmother told her that if she did not work, she did not need to eat.  At meal time,  my Mother put down her book and came to the table expecting to eat dinner.  Teaching her children that behavior has consequences, Grandma told her that she had refused to work and therefore could not eat.

2 Thessalonians 3:10 says that if a man does not work, he should not eat. And my Mother learned this lesson the hard way. The next time she was told to help in the garden, she did.

I am not saying that you should refuse to feed your child, but that every child needs to learn consequences from the youngest age. When time outs and other techniques do not work, you need to figure out what consequences your child does understand–if you want him or her to be a healthy adult who understands that he or she must give and take.

We all need to do our parts to reduce the chaos in our world and make certain that every child has the chance to become a successful adult.


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  • You was greatly blessed by the wisdom of your Grandmother! Thanks for continuing to share the valuable lessons she taught and shared with you.