Good Advice about Making Decisions

Encouragement to make good decisions on near a river.

When you are faced with decisions, do you base your decisions on your feelings or on logic? 

When you are faced with a decision, do you base your decision on your feelings or on logic?  Faced with a decision today, I decided to use logic to figure out what to do. I am very glad I used logic!  Had I used my feelings, I would have made the wrong decision.

A friend had invited me to attend a concert by an awesome group, the Youth Ensemble of New England.   I love listening to child prodigy musicians and this was a group of about 30 of them!  I did not know when I would get the chance to hear this fantastic group again. But I had injured my foot and wanted to stay home and rest.  When I am in pain, I get depressed.  I have to fight depression with everything in me and do what I can to ward off the pain.

So I rested a few hours and coped with the pain in my own ways.  Then I decided to attend the concert. I decided that I may never get to hear this group again, instead of basing my choice on my feelings.

The concert was fantastic and almost unbelievable.  I closed my eyes and listened to the music.  The music literally rinsed the pain signals from my brain.


Especially when you are feeling less than 100%, it is most important to make good choices.  If you want to just get through today or be successful in the long run, you need to decide based on logic not on feeling. A counselor gave me good advice about making decisions a few years ago. Here is the decision-making process she taught me several years ago that has worked for me, the PrOACT model for making decisions.

Parents, teach your children to make good decisions.  When you are making a decision, think out loud around your kids.  Tell them your thought processes.  Then after you have made your decision, let them know why you are glad you made the decision you made!

Make the best choices you can every day of your life.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Want a hug?

Please…never give up…

Reduce your worry and anxiety…

What Grandma taught about survival…


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!

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  • I am so glad you were able to rest and attend the concert. You have a remarkable way of dealing with pain, and the concert also help with the pain as well and soothed your mind as well.