Have a Good Life! 

These five actions will enable you to have a good family life and raise good kids!

Do you want to have a happy family life and raise good kids?  Of course, you do.

Here are some proven ways you can achieve your goal.

Quality time with your kids.

It is not enough to be physically present with your family and kids; you must be with them completely.  You need to actively listen and interact with your loved ones.  Without a video game or electronic device interrupting your quality time.

Your family needs quality time every day.

Be a good role model!

Your actions need to reflect strong morals.  Practice fairness and honesty, and take good care of yourself.  Eat well and exercise as often as you can.  Get enough rest.  Take care of your brain and read every day.

Let your family and kids see that the most important part of life is being kind, and that kindness leads to happiness.

Take your family to church and let them see your faith in action.

Practice random acts of kindness with people not in your family.  Your loved ones and kids will copy your behavior.

Care for others and set high ethical expectations!

The more your family and kids see you caring for others, the more they will care for others.  Caring for others prevents selfishness.  Avoiding selfishness can bring many blessings to your child’s future.

Talk to your family and kids about what you are doing and why.  Let them know you have high ethical expectations for yourself and for them.

Practice the “gratitude attitude”!

A gratitude attitude improves your relationships with everyone around you.  It also improves your health and makes you feel happier.

Role model a “gratitude attitude” by showing appreciation for what your loved ones and kids do.  Do not reward them for doing things you expect them to do, like chores.  These types of behaviors need to become ingrained as part of everyday life.  Rewarding does not ingrain them into your daily family life.

Teach your children to write thank you notes to teachers and others who help them.

Teach your loved ones to help others.

You should encourage your family and kids to think about helping others outside their immediate circle of friends and family.  These others could include a new classmate in school, and people who live in foreign countries such as a pen pal or a soldier.  Teach your family and kids that their thoughts and actions can influence their community and the communities all over the world!

You can do this by encouraging your family members and kids to consider how others feel.  Help them think of ways they can help someone else, and encourage them to take action on their reasonable ideas.


Your childhood shapes your entire life.  If you want to raise happy and productive kids, start today.  Help your kids understand how they can grow into successful, happy, and productive adults.

Raise happy and productive children who can soar like an eagle over life’s storms!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


You can survive the hard times in your life.

Parents, please read this…

Care about others?

Are you sad?


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes for children.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

Near a River common core reading book

is available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.

Buy BJ’s Near a River encouraging eagle reading book

for children you care about today!

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