Great Gift Ideas

Encouragement to find a great gift for your loved on on near a river.

Looking for some great gift ideas that anyone will love?  Look no further…

Want some ideas for gifts for anyone?  Try these.  I guarantee you that whoever you give them to will love them.

I get no money from recommending these great gift ideas to you and am only recommending them because we have used and enjoyed them a great deal in our home.

A massage tool…

There is a certain kind of massage tool that uses no batteries but is very effective. It works on any part of the body and truly invokes feelings of relaxation.  Several companies make them, but on the advice of a good friend I bought one for my husband’s birthday that he loves.  It will relax you and your loved ones and help anyone fall asleep.

You can buy the “Body Stroke Claw Tickler Back Massager Therapy” made by Giggle Beaver in England for less than $20 on Amazon.

Of course, there are other places to purchase this massage tool and similar items but this is the best price I have found for it.

My husband loves his massage tool so much that I would buy one for every household if I could!

A robot vacuum..

When you think of giving a gift, cleaning tools and home appliances do not usually top the list.  But this robot vacuum makes a great gift!

It vacuums your floors for you at a preset time or whenever you press its start button.  When it needs to recharge its batteries, it simply goes back to its charger and waits until it has more battery power.  It has small white bristles that come out and get all the dust bunnies from corners in spite of its round shape.

My husband bought me one of these for Christmas three years ago and I have had a clean home ever since.

Also, the “iRobot” brand of the robot vacuums has a lifetime warranty regardless of what causes it to stop working.  Even if you accidentally let it run over your dog’s poop, the company will replace it under warranty regardless of its age.

When someone has everything already…

What can you give someone who already has everything already?  You can give them your time.

My friend wanted to take her keyboard to her Mother’s home and give her a piano concert for Mother’s Day, but that was simply not possible. So she took the time to make two cd’s of herself playing piano.  Her Mother did not send her a thank you note but she did receive her gift.

Sending her gift to her Mother cost less than $.50 for the cd’s and about $3 for the postage.  Plus her time of course.

So if you would like to send a gift to someone you cannot visit, you can still give him or her your time.  Just think of something he or she might enjoy and spend your time finding a way to send it to them.

Remember that your time is irreplaceable.  Once you spend your time doing something for someone else, you can never get it back.  So it may seem like an inexpensive, cheap gift, but it is definitely not.  Your time is irreplaceable and valuable.


When any holiday is around the corner, it is wise to start planning ahead for any gifts you would like to give someone.  Hopefully this list will help you find a gift that is within your budget.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Have a fantastic life!

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near a river common core reading book

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