The Hill

Whether you have kids or not, please read this post about a hill.

Until May of this year, we had always lived on a flat road. Then we moved to a home with a fantastic mountain view.

Our home sits near the top of a large hill in the mountains and is perfect for us. An ‘age in place’ house, everything we absolutely must have is on the entry floor. The problem is that the dogs and I love to take walks, and our location makes exploring our neighborhood challenging.

The road is a bit steep, far too much so for my comfort.

This morning as I panted and walked Simba,

thoughts ran through my head.

Isn’t this just like the situation our country is in? I surmised. At the moment the stock market is doing well. To get to this point, we had to hike above many problems. We had to bring back US jobs from overseas and thin out the myriad of layers of business regulations. Getting here was quite an upward hill trek, a difficult path to tread. But, there are now far more jobs for everyone in every social strata and fewer Americans depend on the government.

Depending on the government isn’t good for anyone, not for us or our children. When someone is in this situation, (s)he has no control over his or her income, and no way to make more money when bills pile up. Furthermore, if our government overspends and collapses like other countries have, (s)he will be the first to be hungry and homeless.

But it would be very easy for us to lose this progress, for our stock market and job numbers to fall. Just as it’s easy for us to get down the hill we live on, our country could easily travel downward. If we continue to incur more debt and lose the advances our economy has made, we’ll quickly slip downward and return to our sluggish economy and high jobless rate.

Yes, all the free stuff is tempting, but we’re already about 30 trillion in debt. If we collapse due to too much debt, we’ll fall into utter chaos. That horrible event would cause every other country in the world to fail, And Americans will have nowhere to run.

I hope this doesn’t happen!, my mind concluded as Simba stopped to mark his territory.. It might be best if we continue to muddle through as individuals and not ask our government for more.

Parents, what do you want for your child’s future?

Don’t  you want them to be able to pursue

the American Dream and enjoy a good lifestyle?

Don’t you hope your children will own their own homes and take vacations with their own families when they grow up? If so, don’t vote for anyone who will increase our country’s debt and reduce the number of jobs. Instead, please vote for the candidate who will continue to move our country in the right direction.

Do you want circumstances to force your child to make a long journey to a foreign place because of lack of food , as the immigrants from Venezuela have had to do? Remember, socialist policies (everything free, from health care to everything else, and no /unreasonably low taxes) have led to the demise of countries that have instituted them.

Even if you don’t have children yourself, please think about generations that will follow you when you cast your ballot. Please don’t send others  to the bottom of the hill.

When you vote, please don’t think about which candidate

you like the best.

Instead, consider

who will keep us on the top of the hill.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Learn from history so we don’t repeat it,

Know what’s going on around you,

Don’t let anger dominate life,

and learn from Georgie!


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on near a river!

BJ’s encouraging eagle

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