The Success Mindset

Encouragement to become a human eagle on near a river.

Become a human eagle by developing the success mindset!

The bald eagle is the emblem of the United States for a reason.  It stands for strength, courage, determination, focus, and success.  Having the mindset of an eagle is vital to developing these qualities.

An eagle does not flock.  You find them one at a time, much like true human leaders or human eagles!

When you meet a human eagle, you might be intimidated by him.  You can easily recognize him by his good character.  He has the mindset of an eagle.

But what is the mindset of an eagle?

Eagles fly above storms.

Eagles do not waste their time in “low level” drama.  They do not get dragged down by their problems. They fly above them.

Eagles have a “can do” or success attitude.

It is easy to recognize a human eagle.  You recognize him by his attitude.  He is always trying to achieve and his attitude reveals this.

Eagles build their nests in solitude.

Just like a bald eagle builds his nest high in tree away from other creatures, a human eagle builds his success daily in the solitude of his mind. He doesn’t associate with just anyone he meets.  He takes great care to protect his nest.

An eagle trusts in his own wings.

A bald eagle does not fear the branch breaking.  He trusts his wings will enable him to fly if the branch does break.

If you are human eagle, you trust in yourself and do not worry about what might happen.  Human eagles do not worry about the economy or losing their jobs.  They are consistent, have unique qualities and skills, and trust in themselves.

An eagle has strong vision and focus.

A bald eagle sites his prey, narrows his focus, and gets that prey.

A human eagle does the same thing.  He can focus and commit for a long period of time.  He chooses one mate and remains faithful to her.

Businesses that survive for many years survive because they have true eagle leadership.

A person who constantly changes from deal to deal or company to company is not an eagle.  He wants quick money.


To succeed like an eagle, you first need to develop the mindset of an eagle.  To develop this mindset, reread this post every morning and as often as you can during the day.  Throughout your day, look for opportunities to incorporate its contents into your attitude and your life.

Parents, enable your child to develop the mindset of an eagle.  Surround them with people who role model this mindset.  Role model it for your child yourself.  Tell your child what you think and do and why.  Tell him these things as he is growing up, even when he is very small.

Be a world changer!  Be a human eagle with the mindset of an eagle, the success mindset.  The success mindset can change the world!

Soar like an eagle over life’s storms!  Be a human eagle! Develop the success mindset!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Einstein had some great ideas for success…

Don’t let “The Small Things” ruin your life!

Survive and succeed no matter what…

Yes, YOU can change the world!


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!

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