Make Your Country Better!

A simple way you can improve your country, regardless of where you live.

Encouragement to improve the future of your country through reading. In this picture, a two-year-old enjoys “reading” BJ’s book Near a River.

America is a great place to live, but not a great place for a child to learn to read.

Studies  show these facts:

44 million US adults can’t read a simple story to their children.

Half of US adults can’t read a book written at the 8th-grade level.

Three out of four people on welfare can’t read at all.

Three out of five people in prison can’t read.

85% of youths involved in crime have reading problems.

50% of Americans can’t read prescription drug labels.

How do some states figure out how many prison beds will be needed in the future?  They base their figures in part on how well current elementary school students can read.

To save your country, READ, READ, and READ to and with kids.

Start reading to them right after birth.  The more you read to a child, the better he reads when he gets older.

His reading skills will help him stay out of prison and enable him to support himself.

Parents, if you do not read well enough to read with your kids, the library has books on tape for kids. Books on tape can help both you and your child to learn to read.  I taught myself to read at age 3 with books on tape.

Turn off the tv. Turn off electronics.  And READ books!

Please read books to young kids every day.  Read books with older kids every day.  Read books yourself every day.

Reading will help make the future of your world brighter.

BJ challenges every reader to buy any good book and give it to a library, school, or child.

Read books every day and improve your country’s future!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Need more reasons?

Doing your best does pay off!

Reduce your anxiety and worry naturally.

Want to peacefully resolve the conflicts in your life?


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on near a river!

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  • Wow, it is amazing that so many are unable to read. My wife was reading to both of our girls soon after their births! Both went on to get their Bachelors and Masters Degrees and are now teachers who have a passion for children's education. As an avid reader myself I can't imagine the blessings I would have missed over the years by not being able to read.