Funny Life Tips

Here are some funny life tips. 

Have you ever wanted to know how to get through life without needing to complain?  If so, make sure to read all of these funny life tips.

  • Marry someone who has a different favorite cereal than you, so you can keep yours all to yourself.
  • Dance like no one is watching, because they’re not. They’re checking their cell phones.
  • Never grow up. Adulthood is a trap.
  • Treat every problem like your dog would. If you can’t eat it, walk away.
  • Never joke with a kleptomaniac because they will take it, literally.
  • When nothing goes right, go left.
  • Hearts are wild. That’s why our ribs are cages.
  • Never make snow angels in a dog park.
  • In a barbershop with two barbers, choose the barber with the worst haircut. Think about why you should do this.
  • If you don’t want someone to ask you to do something, do it terribly the first time.
  • Real bear hugs are often fatal.
  • When you need to borrow money, borrow from a pessimist—he won’t expect it back.
  • Correct punctuation is crucial. E.g. “Let’s eat, Grandpa” vs. “Let’s Eat Grandpa”.
  • Writing like. This. Doesn’t. Make. Your. Point. Any. Stronger. Make sure your writing is grammatically correct.

You may or may not choose to follow all of these funny life tips, but you are welcome to share them with anyone.


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Do you have true sight?

It is both rotten and contagious…

To stink or not to stink. That is the question.

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