Getting Others to Love You Back

Grandma taught me how to love and how to get others to love me back.

My Grandma did not even complete elementary school, but she was very wise about human nature. Although she was poor financially, she was extremely wealthy in love. Her example taught me how to love and be loved back.

Grandma spoke each person’s own love language.

She knew my feet hurt most of the time and I did not sleep well at home. She knew I was hungry, tired, and lonely.  When I went to her home, she massaged my feet. I would fall asleep on her couch with my feet in her lap. When I woke up, she fed me her yummy homemade cooking.  I read to her and we worked in her garden or cooked together.  She really listened to me when I talked with her.

Grandma gave them to me what I needed and I loved her with all of my heart.

She treated others the same way.  Her theme song was Bill Withers “Lean on Me“.  Constantly trying to recognize what each person needed, she did her best to meet each person’s needs.

Grandma loved others and others loved her back.  People crowded her funeral and had to park their cars half a mile away.  Most who “attended” had to stand outside due to lack of space.

If you want others to love you back, just follow these simple steps.

  • Actively listen to what the person is saying.
  • Then try to figure out what he needs most at the moment.
  • Finally, do your best to provide what he needs or help him find it.

When you show others you love them, you improve your own life too.  You reduce your own depression, anxiety, and stress-related health issues.

Parents, give your children a good example so they will follow it when they grow up.  Show everyone around you love in their own language.


***One warning:   This does not work with dysfunctional people. 

Dysfunctional people do not understand how to love or be loved back.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.



Harness the power of love.

You can also love your troubles away!

How do you look the morning after a party?


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Near a River common core reading book

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