Make Someone’s Day!

Encouragement to make someone's day on near a river.

Make someone else’s day happy every day of your life and you will feel happy also!

There was a rich man and a poor man.  The rich man usually only thought of himself while he poor man was different—he had a different philosophy about life.

One day they were standing behind each other in a coffee shop  line. The poor man ordered and paid for his daily cup of coffee.  After ordering, the poor man turned to the rich man and asked, “What are you having today?”

The rich man, seemingly startled, looked at the barista and replied, “I’m going to have a newspaper and a biscuit.”

Once the barista put in the rich man’s order, the poor man suddenly offered his bank card and paid for the rich man’s order.

Stunned, the rich man said, “You shouldn’t do that!”

The poor man replied, “Do what?”

The rich man answered him, “You shouldn’t pay for mine.  I might be richer than you!”

The poor man stopped for a moment and said, “You just might be.  But what we should do and what we are able to do are two completely different things.”

The rich man welled up in tears and said, “No one has ever done anything like this for me, because they assume I can take care of myself…that was very kind of you.  Thank you!”

Be kind to others, no matter their appearance. And You just might make someone’s day!”


Which of the two men do you identify with, the rich man or the poor man? The rich man was accustomed to taking care of himself and not helping others.  The poor man helped others every chance he could.

I identify with the poor man.

Do you know what makes me happy?  Making someone else’s day!  Making someone else smile makes me feel better about myself and the world around me.  Thus, it alleviates my depression and anxiety.  It is the best antidepressant in the universe because it truly alleviates depression with no negative side effects!

Try to change the world one person at at time by making someone else’s day as often as possible…

Make someone else’s day every day of your life and soar like an eagle over life’s storms.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Having a bad day or week?

Take care of yourself when you feel down!

Yes, you can protect your computer and your identity.

You can achieve financial success with your current income.


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!

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