You Have Miraculous Power!

Do you know you have a miraculous power?

Carolyn Isbister knows about the miraculous power within each person.

Carolyn Isbister had a womb infection 24 weeks into her pregnancy and gave birth to a very premature baby girl.  The hospital’s neonatologist told her that her daughter could not be saved. She could cuddle her daughter but the hospital could do nothing for the tiny infant.

Distraught, she felt the tiny baby’s cold feet and placed her child against her own skin for warmth.  The chaplain came and blessed the infant.

Then something miraculous happened.

The warmth from Carolyn’s skin set the infant’s heart in motion and it began to beat properly.  Born grey and lifeless, the child began to breathe on her own and her skin turned a healthy pink color.

No one, including the doctors, could believe this was happening.  The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit placed baby Rachel on a ventilator and nurses fed Rachel her Mother’s breast milk through a syringe first then later a tube.  After five weeks on the ventilator, Rachel began to breastfeed by herself.

At age four months, baby girl Rachel weighed 8 pounds and went home with her parents. Initially, doctors thought that the lack of oxygen when she was first born had caused brain damage, but there is no evidence of such a problem.

“She is doing very well. The doctors had let us know that she was indeed an amazing little girl and loves her cuddles a lot.  Now she sleeps, curled into my torso, for hours.  I’m very glad that it was that first cuddle which saved her life or else she would not be with us today.  I trusted my intuition by picking her up near my chest,” Carolyn Isbister comments.

You have Carolyn’s power!

If you do not believe that you have miraculous power, please examine your beliefs.  You have the power to love others like Carolyn loved her daughter.

Harness the miraculous power of love within you and change lives!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


What does worrying accomplish?

Your decision is completely up to you…

Believe like Simba and you will reach your goals!

What else can you do to improve your loved one’s health?


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Near a River common core reading book

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  • Wow, what a powerful story of the miracle this baby experienced, in part due to the faith of her loving mother. This child will now have the opportunity to be a testimony of the power of God in her life. On another note, I join you in your delight in the increase of response to your posts. The devil tries to discourage us like he has with you but once again a higher power has intervened, PRAISE GOD!