The Most Important Gift

There is one gift everyone can share with others.

Do you happen to know what the most important gift is?  Everyone has the same amount of it and once used it cannot be replaced, so you should spend it as well as you can.

Often we think of giving as all about money but there is one gift that is more valuable than money.  It is time.  You can make more money but once your time is spent you cannot get it back.

Time is the true currency of your life.  It is also a common denominator for every living thing and person.  Every moment of your life is a gift.  Please be thankful for the time you have. Spend and save it wisely, and use it to share love with others.

So what do you do when you have a big project to finish and a friend who is down calls to talk?  Do you listen to your friend or complete your project?

I choose to give the gift of my time to a friend.  When I share time with someone, I am also sharing the love in my heart.  Often when I am working to improve the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of the website or just writing a new article, a friend will call and either want to talk or want me to help them with something.  No matter where I am in my work, I save my work and give my time to my friends instead.  Right now I am behind on my huge project of overhauling the SEO. I am less than 10 percent done with this huge project that I hope to finish by year’s end.  However, I am not behind on loving others.  Every day I spend time loving others by giving them the gift of my time.

The holidays are upon us and many people are lonely.  Last week in Walmart, a man I had never met started talking to me as though he had known me for years.  My husband had gone off to find the next item on our list while I looked for the food storage containers, the same thing this man wanted. I listened to him and responded as though I had known him for years.  Then when I finally caught up to my husband who was waiting for me at our rendezvous point, I just smiled.  He did not complain about having to wait.  Then in the car on the way home, I told him what had happened and he just squeezed my hand lovingly.

If you need to change your thoughts to change how you use your time, here is a thought for you.  What would the world be like without this person in it?  In my beloved brother’s memory, I encourage you to consider being kind to others when you choose how to spend your time.  Always remember that another caring person will give back to you the time and love you have given away at some point in your life, probably when you need it the most.

Sharing your time and love with others can change the world, one person at a time.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Be kind to everyone.  Your kindness could save someone’s life!

Yes, there may be an inexpensive solution to your problem.

Always try to be the person your dog thinks you are.

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