Make the Most Out of Life

Encouragement to make the most out of life on near a river.

How can you make the most out of your life?

Derek Paravicini is the nephew of Camilla Parker-Bowles, a member of the British Royal Family.

He and his twin sister were born at just 26 weeks gestation on July 26, 1979.  His sister died, but he survived.  Accidental overdose of oxygen therapy during his time in the neonatal intensive care unit caused him to become blind and severely autistic.  He cannot even tie his own shoes or dress himself although he is now a grown man.

When he was two years old, his grandma gave him an old keyboard, and his family noticed he was a talented musician.  He began taking music lessons shortly thereafter.  Now he plays any song he has even heard just once by ear with his own style.

As an autistic musical savant, Derek counts his blessings not his problems.  He has used his blessings to accrue a large net worth.

Derek could just sit around and cry about what he cannot do all day, but he chooses not to do that.  Instead he makes the most out of his life and inspires others to do the same.

We can all learn a few valuable lessons from Derek Paravicini.  When life handed him lemons, he squeezed all the juice out of those lemons and made lemonade.  Although he cannot even dress himself or tie his own shoes or even make a sandwich for himself, he is content with his quality of life and thankful for what he can do.  And his positive outlook on life encourages others to follow in his footsteps.

Has life handed you lemons, too many lemons perhaps?  If so, squeeze all the juice out of those lemons and make the sweetest lemonade you can make!  Instead of worrying about what you cannot do, be thankful for what you can do and do it to the best of your ability.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


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Take back your power to succeed!

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If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

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