Are you familiar with this law for parents?
Murphy’s law for parents helps parents raise children who are healthy and productive. It is a simple expression and you have probably already heard the Biblical version of it.
“The sins of the parents visit the children.”
What does this mean? Does this mean that the children are punished for the parents’ sins? No, it does not mean that.
This expression simply means that what you do before, during, and after you raise your children affects their lives in two ways.
- First, most children will copy their parents’ behaviors and in this way the parents’ sins visit their children.
If parents harm their bodies with unwholesome activities such as drinking, smoking, and other habits that harm a person’s body, the children are far more likely to do the same things. So if you damage your health by overeating, drinking, and smoking, your children will be more likely to do the same things throughout their lives.
- Second, this expression also means that the parents’ sins hurt the children.
My own parents are examples of this.
My Mother did not show me love as a child. She did not buy me proper fitting shoes and usually forbid Grandma and other relatives from doing so. Her sin of not loving me visited me in the form of painful feet all of my life, until very recently when a surgeon amputated the damaged part of my right foot as he had done to my left foot six months before.
My Dad was addicted to cigarettes so badly he smoked every waking moment of his life. His sin of hurting his body has visited and also hurt my body. Because he smoked incessantly throughout my childhood, I developed severe allergies, asthma, and migraines. These health issues have plagued me every year of my life since he moved into our home. In fact, a few hours ago, my asthma was so bad that I felt angry toward him. I actually thought I wanted to dig up his grave and stomp on his deteriorating body, especially his head. But that would not help anything so I dismissed that thought. So my Dad’s sins have visited me in the form of health and anger issues.
Did you know that a parent’s past drug use affects the child even if the parent stopped using drugs before the child was born? Also, did you know that herpes can result in a pregnant woman giving birth to an autistic child?
The sins of the parents do visit the children in too many ways.
Always remember that Murphy wrote his law in 1959 to remind his coworkers to be proactive, to prevent problems that could come up during their work project. So parents, please remember Murphy’s law for parents. Before you do or say anything, first think about how it will affect your children–and then decide if it is a wise thing to do or say.
Perhaps those who have not yet become parents should consider what kind of life a potential child could have. Especially if they have ever used drugs, have herpes, or have other issues that would make parenting overwhelming. Perhaps they should consider this and then decide if they should become parents.
I know this post will probably be one of the least popular posts on www.bobbiejrae.com/nearariver, but I felt led to write it today. Since I write to encourage and help others, I had to write this post to encourage parents to raise healthy and productive children and prevent others from suffering as I have throughout my life as a result of my parents’ actions and lack of action.
Parents, enable your children to soar like an eagle above the inevitable storms that will come up in their lives by never forgetting this important law for parents.
Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you
soar like an eagle above life’s storms.
This should not be!
Yes, you can improve your child’s bad attitude!
Change the world for the better, one child at at time…
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