Trustworthy Navigation

Encouragement to use good navigation throughout your life on near a river.

Has a navigation device ever sent you down a bad road?

We were returning home from a weeklong trip last Friday. As we traveled, we learned some things that apply to both road trips and life.

Having used our Rand McNally navigation device (Millicent as my husband calls it) in the past, we naturally trusted her. But this time she caused us to spend three additional hours getting home.

My husband knew the route very well from previous trips so he was surprised when Millicent told him to turn onto a different exit.  Although his intuition told him to remain on the road he was on, he obeyed Millicent’s directions. He thought that she might know something he did not know.

Well, we quickly got stuck in two separate long traffic jams.  And this route was much longer than our usual route. Frustrated that he had listened to our navigation device, we sat in traffic for hours watching the tail lights of the cars ahead of us inch forward like a long row of turtles.

The next time Millicent directs us on a path that goes against our intuition or our road map, we will ignore her and follow our intuition instead.

Too often in life people respond the same way my husband responded to Millicent’s poor travel advice.  Although we know what our intuition tells us do to, we listen to others around us.  Doing what they tell us to do sometimes gets us in trouble.

When traveling on a road trip or on the road of life, do not do what others tell you to do, especially if you feel it is not wise to do so. Think about the source telling you how to travel.  Even if you know the source or person, consider how the person is feeling and if he or she is capable of giving you trustworthy advice.  Ask yourself if the advice your source is giving you could lead you to trouble down the road.

Always remember it is wise to follow your own intuition or road map instead of what someone else advises you to do. If you are unsure about what to do, remember that God is always there for you, waiting for you to ask him anything.

Parents, if you teach your child not to follow others by your own example, he will navigate through life much more easily.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Ever heard of a “Hike Safe” card?

What is usually at the end of a difficult road?

How do you usually respond to an unexpected answer?

The two most powerful forces are love and positive thinking!


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

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