


View the Near a River Gallery.  Let it encourage you regardless of what you are going through at this moment!

Before her beloved Grandma died, BJ promised her that she herself would continue to spread her Grandma’s message.  BJ’s Grandma shared her message of faith, love, hope, and encouragement with everyone around her every day of her life.  Click here to read the story about BJ’s promise. This website is BJ’s way of continuing to share this badly needed message!

If you are feeling down, BJ hopes you find some encouragement and hope in the Near a River gallery.

If you have any comments about the gallery, please see message BJ through her contact page. Click here to navigate to that page.

If you enjoy this gallery, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her children’s eagle Near a River common core reading book 

is available on and

Buy BJ’s  Near a River eagle reading book 

for a child you care about today!


This Near a River website has a noble purpose!  Before her beloved Grandma died, BJ promised her that she herself would continue to spread her Grandma’s message.  So BJ’s Grandma shared and her message of faith, love, hope, and encouragement with everyone around her every day of her life.  Then click here to read the story about BJ’s promise. So this website is BJ’s way of continuing to share this badly needed message! Contact BJ for additional comments and questions.

Contact Message

This Near a River website has a noble purpose!  Before her beloved Grandma died, BJ promised her that she herself would continue to spread her Grandma’s message.  So BJ’s Grandma shared and her message of faith, love, hope, and encouragement with everyone around her every day of her life.  Then click here to read the story about BJ’s promise. So this website is BJ’s way of continuing to share this badly needed message! Contact BJ for additional comments and questions.

This Near a River website has a noble purpose!  Before her beloved Grandma died, BJ promised her that she herself would continue to spread her Grandma’s message.  So BJ’s Grandma shared and her message of faith, love, hope, and encouragement with everyone around her every day of her life.  Then click here to read the story about BJ’s promise. So this website is BJ’s way of continuing to share this badly needed message! Contact BJ for additional comments and questions.