Don’t Let a Negative Person Drag You Down!

You can prevent a negative person from dragging you down!

How should you respond when someone is negative and angry toward you?  How can you prevent a negative person from dragging you down?

If you want to be a peacemaker instead of making the situation worse, you simply have to refuse to be insulted.  You must refuse to accept his negativity.

First, don’t accept anyone’s anger.

How can you do this? Patiently continue to treat him lovingly.

  • First put yourself in the angry person’s shoes.
  • Tell yourself that the angry person is hurting.
  • Immediately forgive him or her.
  • Think of him or her as someone who deserves love instead of anger in return.
  • Then tell yourself that responding in kind will only hurt you.

Second, don’t tolerate the anger anyone directs toward you.

My older sister always treated me very negatively and hatefully, but I have always tried to respond lovingly to her.  After responding lovingly, I asked her to please treat me the same way I am treating her, with respect and love.  She has always refused. and replied in as nasty a way as possible. So I finally told her that I will not continue to communicate with her until she communicates respectfully. She obviously cannot communicate peacefully, because she has stopped communicating with me altogether.

If you must communicate with a negative person, you can refuse to accept his or her anger.  Then, if the anger is directed toward you, you can let him or her know that he or she must treat you with respect of you will not communicate with him or her.

Not accepting and tolerating someone’s anger and negativity will help you be less anxious and improve how you feel about yourself.

Parents, if you role model this behavior for your child, you will be glad.  Your child will handle life situations much better when he gets older.

Do not let anyone drag you down!


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