Not Feeling Well Today? 

Encouragement to get feeling better soon on near a river.

You can help yourself to get feeling better!

Not feeling well today?

Of course you want to feel better.  Here are some of the best medicines to help you feel better.


Hugging is awesome and incredibly powerful.  It has many benefits!

  • Hugging boosts your immune system and improves your mental health.
  • It cures depression.
  • Hugging reduces stress.
  • It induces sleep.
  • A hug is invigorating.
  • It relaxes you.
  • Hugging relieves your pain.
  • It improves mood.
  • A hug boosts self-esteem.
  • It improves your heart rate and your heart health.

Hugging is all natural.  It comes with no pesticides or preservatives or artificial ingredients.  It is completely wholesome and has no unpleasant side effects.  Hugging is a miracle drug. Hugging makes you feel supported and cared about.  Therefore, it sets your mind up for success.

Consider yourself hugged as you read this!


Build humor into your daily environment. Watch your favorite comedians. Read your favorite comic strips. Engage in jokes with friends and coworkers. Read a book with funny jokes.

Laughing has many benefits, including:

  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Reducing stress hormone levels.
  • Improving heart health.
  • Boosting T-cells.
  • Triggering the release of endorphins.

Laughter’s mental health benefits include:

  • Adding joy and zest to life
  • Easing anxiety and tension
  • Relieving stress
  • Improving mood
  • Strengthening resilience

Enjoy music! 

Music can heal.  It has many health benefits.

  • Improves physical health.
  • Helps with pain management.
  • Decreases depression and anxiety.
  • Improves sleep quality.

Have faith, hope, and love!  

 My grandmother taught me when I was very young to always have faith, hope, and love.  She ingrained into my brain and heart and soul that as long as I have these things I will feel and function my best. She was right.

Faith, hope, and love have enabled me to survive the hardest of times, including the worst and most difficult health issues. Faith, hope, and love will enable you to survive no matter what issues you are going through.


Even if you do not have health insurance, you can get yourself feeling better!

I hope and pray that you feel better soon, that you overcome your issue.

Soar like an eagle over life’s storms. Get yourself feeling better!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Struggling with anxiety? 

Positive thinking is very powerful.  

Patiently wait for the rainbow after each storm…

 You can be successful and make your dreams come true!

If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!




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