Step One: Mend ANY Relationship

Encouragement to mend relationships with love on Near a River.

Part one in an encouraging series of posts on how to mend relationships.

My Grandma only had a second grade education but she was very wise.  She taught me so many things about life in what she told me and by her example.  One thing she taught me was how to mend a broken relationship.

Grandma said that when a relationship seems broken, you have to examine it to see if it is beneficial to you or the other person.  If it is not, she told me, you can just walk away.  But, she added, most relationships are beneficial so you should try to mend them.

When trying to mend a relationship, you first have to commit to truly loving the other person.  Truly loving someone means giving love without conditions, as well as accepting a person for who he is—the good parts, the bad parts, and the in-between parts.

You first must decide you want to love the person, then you must actually do it.  Remember that love is more than words, it is actions and communication.  Love also is making yourself available to the other person and being open and honest with him.

This step takes time, because you must first forgive him for what he has done that upset you before you can start showing him love.

For example, if your husband comes home from work late on a night which you had an evening event planned, forgive him.  Even before he walks in the door, forgive him.  Then when he does get home safely, you should not speak in an upset tone, but a loving tone instead.  Also hug him before you even say a word to him.  Then speak using “I-statements”.  Say something like this, “I feel frustrated when you come home late and we have evening plans.  Please try to get home on time especially when we have plans.”

You can mend any relationship with love.  Love builds bridges between people and enables them to work their problems out.

Mend relationships with love and soar like an eagle over life’s storms!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Celebrate love.

Family of heart or blood?

Love others and be loved back…

Continue reading this series of posts here.


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near a river common core reading book

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  • Relationship skills are sorely lacking by many both in personal and professional realm. I have seen many of my piers who excel in the areas of speaking but lack simple relationship skills. Your Grandmother did you well by sharing the wisdom which comes from real life issues. Thanks for sharing!