Please think!

Encouragement to please think on near a river.

Remember the immortal words of Aretha Franklin and please think!

 –Aretha Franklin


Aretha Franklin, the musician who sang this song “Think”, died today.

 The lyrics in this song are very meaningful and remind us of ways we can improve our lives and the lives of those around us. Three lines stand out in my mind.

  • “You better think (think) think about what you’re trying to do to me.”

Please think about how you treat others.

Even if your child is unborn and still in your womb, you should think about how everything you do affects him or her.  My friend’s mother did not take care of herself during her pregnancy and my friend has had many many many medical conditions as a result.

If you are not of child bearing age or not even female, think about how you treat others, because everything you so comes back to you.

  • “I was gonna change, but I’m not, to keep doing things I don’t.”

Please think about when you should change.

What others ask you to do, how they expect you to change, can show their true colors.  If someone expects you to change but you feel you do not need to change, think about this.

Someone who needs to change himself but expects you to change is probably a toxic person.  Perhaps you do not need him in your life.

  • “Without each other there ain’t nothing people can do.”

Please think about the people you need in your life.

In the words of Joan Baez in her song “No Man is an Island“, “We all need each other.  Each man is my brother…my friend.”  No one can get through life without help from others and you never know when you will need someone.

So think about who you need in your life and treat them how you want to be treated!

Remember Aretha Frankin by thinking about how you treat others!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


As you live, so you die.

What is the most powerful force?

Care about someone?  Let him know!

When others are unkind, it is NOT about you.


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!

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