Rainy Days

Most people dislike rainy days but I love them. 

Today is a rainy day here, but the weather is not dragging me down.  I love rainy days!

Why do I love the days that most people do not like?

First, they remind me of happy childhood days.  You see, I was a naughty child.  When my brother and I walked to school in the rain, I jumped into every puddle.  Needless to say, we both went to class drenched from head to toe.  But my brother never got angry with me for drenching him.  Instead, he just laughed and hugged me as he dropped me off at my class.

Second, walking in the rain is good for my brain.  It is a “mindfulness exercise” that helps me to feel less connected to my troubles and more connected to nature.

When I walk in the rain, I watch the rain come down with open-hearted curiosity just as I did as a child.  I watch droplets turn into streams and puddles.  As I watch, I listen to the sounds of the rain—pitter, splash, drip, and gush.

After the rain dampens my clothing and my clothes in turn dampen my skin, I breathe in deeply and savor the smell of the earthy scent produced by rain falling on dry soil.  As I breathe in and out, I release all the tension I have been unconsciously holding inside of me.

Do rainy days make you feel down?  If so, you might want to try thinking about them differently, with mindfulness.

Remember that the rainy days are just part of nature, just as you yourself are.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


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