Replace Negativity

How to replace negativity with positive thoughts to benefit your life.

Have you ever spent time with a constant complainer?  It takes time to learn to just let his complaints roll off your back. His complaints drain you emotionally. The negativity gets to you.

Medical science has proven that negativity is not good for anyone.

Negativity rewires your brain.  Keeping your mind focused on criticism, worry, and the bad things that have happened to you enable your brain to think about negative thoughts more often.  Your thought patterns wire your brain to react positively or negatively to whatever situations you may face.  Negative thoughts rewire your brain to be anxious or depressed.

Negativity also damages your body. It damages your brain by shrinking the hippocampus, the part of your brain that helps you solve problems and think intelligent thoughts.  It causes your body to release the stress hormone cortisol.  Cortisol impairs your immune system, makes you more susceptible to health conditions like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol.  It also makes your brain more likely to have strokes.

You can avoid negativity or even rewire your brain to respond in a positive way. Here are a few strategies to rewire your brain to be positive.

  • Have a gratitude attitude.

When you want to complain, think about something you are grateful for.  You might even keep  list of things you are grateful for with you at all times and read it when you want to complain.

A gratitude attitude reduces cortisol by 23%.

Constantly think about what you are thankful for.  Keep a journal and write about what you are thankful for.  Look around you and find things to be thankful for, no matter how small they may seem.

 Being thankful rewires your brain and reduces anxiety and depression.

  • Focus on the good.

The more you think about what is good, the easier it is to think about what is good.  Thinking about good helps your body to produce less cortisol.  It helps you to feel better emotionally and physically.

  • Eliminate futility in your life.

Because I have struggled with depression, anxiety, and PTSD for many years, I have learned to continually remove useless things from my life.  Useless things include anger, putting others down, wanting revenge, holding a grudge, and not working with others.

I have learned to forgive those who have hurt me and replace useless thoughts and actions with productive and positive ones.

Eliminating futility makes me feel much more positive.


Feeling anxious?  Depressed?  Think positively.  Positive thoughts improve your physical and mental health!  They are a natural way to improve both anxiety and depression.

Parents, it is a good idea to teach your children to think positively when they are young.  Role model positive thinking.  Tell your children why you always do your best to think positive thoughts.  And when they complain, redirect their thoughts to positive thoughts.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Need a hug?

Are you sad today?

Struggle with depression?

Consider moving on from your past.


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