Rules for Father’s Day…

Encouragement to follow rules for father's day on near a river.

Have you ever thought about what rules your Dad might want for Father’s Day?


Our society has rules and laws for everything!  Heck, we even have Murphy’s law!

Here are few suggested rules for Father’s Day.

  • Just as Dad has always believed, today especially he is right about everything. Remember this!
  • Dad is good at almost everything, but taking pictures with a smart phone is probably not one of them. Take the pictures for him today.
  • Whatever clothes and shoes Dad wears, he is never out of style. Especially today and even if he wears pajamas all day.
  • When he answers your questions today, believe him. Dad has the right to make up any answers he wants to–especially since kids ask too many questions anyway!
  • If you are a teenager and your Dad wears headphones, do not be annoyed. He is just trying to maintain patience to be able to raise you until you turn 18.
  • Today your Dad is the king. So his daughters and sons are princesses and princes.  Play your part well!
  • Thank your Dad for making the world a better place, especially during barbecue season.
  • Every Dad needs a hero sandwich today. He gets this when all of his kids hug him at once.
  • Every Dad should be loved and appreciated, not for how much money he has but for how often he helps, comforts, and teaches his children.


Yesterday I heard on the news that many people wish that the US did not celebrate Father’s Day.  Even though I cannot celebrate Father’s Day with my Father, I am glad we do celebrate this day.

It is important to honor the people who help make the world a better place, and Dads are some of these people.

Please follow these suggestions and make sure you honor your Dad today!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Don’t know how to thank Dad?

What was the cost of your Dad’s love?

Every Dad should teach his kids this story…

Is your Dad a veteran?  Be especially proud of him!


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Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

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