Do Something

Feeling sad today?  Do something for someone else…

One day a Mother dropped off a sad little girl at her Grandma’s house.  The little girl’s life seemed hopeless, like her home would always be filled with tension and yelling and unhappiness.  Grandma picked her up, hugged her, and put her down on the couch. The older woman sat down at the end of couch and listened as the child explained what had happened in her home during the past week.  She massaged the child’s feet as she listened.

When the child had finished talking, she and her Grandma went to the kitchen.  Together they cooked a meal for a needy neighbor. As they cooked, they sang and laughed.

After they finished preparing the food, they carried it to the neighbor. Thrilled to receive a home-cooked meal, the family was happy. And the child was no longer sad.

What made the child happy?  She had talked about her feelings, received the benefits of human touch, listened to music, and laughed.  All of those things help a person  feel better.

But they had also done something for someone else.  As John Tesh explains in the video above, doing something for someone else simply makes a person feel good.

So have you had a hard day, week, or month?  If you live alone or have no one to talk to or hug, try doing something for someone else.  Doing this will make you feel good again.

Parents, if your child feels sad, work together and do something for someone else.  You will make your child feel good again and teach him that helping others makes a person feel good. This is an invaluable lesson that every child needs to learn.

Instead of feeling sad, light up your brain’s pleasure center.

Do something for someone else.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


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Are you feeling sad today?

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If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!

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