Get Over Life’s Speed Bumps!

Encouragement to overcome any speed bumps you encounter on near a river.

You can get over life’s speed bumps.

Right now I am encountering a speed bump in my life, as every person does from time to time.  Why do we have to encounter these annoying bumps in our lives?  Why do they even exist?

What is the purpose of a speed bump on a road?  It exists to slow traffic down and prevent joy riding.  Without speed bumps in our lives, many of us would joy-ride recklessly through our lives.  Bumps teach us consequences and remind us to slow down and force us to become aware of the here and now in our lives.

When we deal with the speed bumps in life correctly, we become more thoughtful, more grateful, and more resilient.  These three characteristics enable us to handle challenges and struggles more easily.

How can we cope with a speed bump in our lives?

  • Consider the other options.

  • Try new things we have not tried in the past.

  • Find someone to help us.

  • List the resources we have and those we need, and find ways to get the ones we need.

Always remember that every speed bump in your life has a purpose.  There are no roads in anyone’s life without challenges, bumps, or rocks.  Your success depends on how you deal with each one of them.  If you take the opportunity to grow a little bit more each time and remain solution oriented, you will get over each and every bump in the road of your life.

Stay focused on solutions and not on the bump itself, and you will get over it!

Soar like an eagle over every speed bump in your life.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Do you say yes to others when you really want to say no?

Wherever you live, please take care of this issue.

Need to get a disability claim approved?

You have a miraculous power!


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on near a river!

BJ’s encouraging eagle

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