Enjoy Healthy Relationships

Encouragement to enjoy healthy relationships on www.bobbiejrae.com/nearariver.

You can enjoy healthy relationships with everyone around you.

You can enjoy healthy relationships with everyone around you.  It is not hard to do.  It simply boils down to respect.  Role model respect for everyone around you so others will respect you. Then you can have healthy relationships.

Here are some ways to promote healthy relationships.

  • A healthy relationship with your child.

A healthy and respectful relationship with a child begins when he is born. Always care for his needs and listen to him.  Allow him to make as many decisions as his current age and stage permit.  Give him the chance to fail and support him when he fails.  Always speak kindly and lovingly to him, even when you feel angry or disappointed with him. Always treat him the way you want to be treated.

My own Mother did not role model respect, but my primary caregiver, my Grandma, did.  Her respect made a huge difference in my life.

  •  Healthy relationships with others.

To develop healthy and respectful relationships with others, do the same things you do with your child. Show them you care about them and their needs.  Listen to them and support them emotionally.  Always speak lovingly and kindly with them.  Never gossip about them and always treat them the way you want to be treated.

My Grandma’s respect taught me how to respect others.  The respect she taught me has enabled me to have healthy relationships with others, and my relationships have enabled me to succeed in life.

  • Teach others what respect means!

My Grandma always role modeled respect.  She spoke lovingly and kindly.  She listened to me and she cared about my feelings and needs.  Her role modeling taught me how to respect others.

When I was a small child, Grandma frequently cared for me while my Mother worked.  I walked into Grandma’s home and sat on her worn couch.  She removed my shoes and massaged my feet while she listened to me tell her how my life was going.  Then I fell asleep in her arms and when I woke up, cooked together.  She always gently told me when I needed to do something differently. She was never harsh or rude but always kind and gentle instead.


It is important to have a healthy, respectful relationship with everyone around you.  Healthy relationships give you emotional support when you need it and they enable you to cope with anxiety and depression. They give you a reason to smile and laugh.  Most of all, healthy relationships enable you to enjoy life.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Improve your health both physically and mentally…

Do you know when more is better?

Take back your power…

Respect yourself!


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Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.

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