Surrendering Completely

Encouragement for surrendering all to God on Near a River.

Sometimes surrendering a relationship is the only thing you can do!

Dear Mother,

I will not try to contact you again until you contact me lovingly and respectfully.

Why am I doing this?  It is the only thing I can do at the moment.  Yesterday I saw the podiatrist again.  We drove on icy and snowy roads for three hours only to be told that we get to do that a few more times to deal with my foot issues again.  The podiatrist told me that I need to have the same amputation surgery he did on my left foot in June done to my right foot.  My right foot has the same problem.

What caused this foot problem, you might ask?  As I child, I did not have proper fitting shoes. When I walked to school,my feet hurt and I kicked my shoes off as often as possible. Do you remember the day you were at work and I stepped on a rusty nail outside?  My shoes were hurting my feet so badly and I wanted to be able to run with my siblings whose shoes were not hurting their feet, so I kicked off my shoes and chased my siblings.

Although I feel very angry with you at the moment, I still love you.

Mother, I did not ask to be born to you. And you have never treated me like you treat my siblings.  Since I am already over 50 years old, I wish you could get over the fact that I am the product of your extramarital affair and treat me in the same manner you treat my two living siblings. The fact that you cannot get over this and be kind and loving to me means that it must hurt you terribly.

Because I do not want my negative feelings to burn in my heart, I am simply surrendering our relationship with you.

Hopefully, you will soar like an eagle above any storms in your life.  Know that I only wish all the best for you.

Your Daughter BJ

P.S.–Since I am being honest with you, I need to tell you one more thing.  Your favorite bush died because we dumped your left over stew on it.  You had gone to work and left it for us to eat for dinner, but it smelled and tasted so badly that we could not eat it.  So we dumped it outside to fertilize your bush, but unfortunately your favorite lilac bush died as a result of your stew.  Sorry about this.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Stand tall and proud anyway!

Celebrate love every day of your life…

Learn from some of the lessons I learned as a child.

Having a hard day?  Look for the bright spots in your life!


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!

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