Empower a Teased Child to Rise Above

Empower a teased child to cope emotionally.

As a child, I was teased mercilessly.

I was small for my age. I appeared to be several years younger than my actual age. My ears were large. It took me years to grow into them. And while I was waiting to grow into my ears, other children called me “Dumbo”. They said that I would not need to get a driver’s license when I am older, that my ears would enable me to fly.

Before I completely grew into my ears, my tiny feet grew to be the size they are now. In elementary school. Then my peers called me “Bigfoot”.

I did not let my peers’ teasing keep me from succeeding at anything I wanted to accomplish. I was strong.

What enabled me to be strong? The adults I loved and respected acknowledged my feelings when I was frustrated with the teasing. They constantly reminded me that the kids who tease have the problem. Not me.

How can you help a child who is teased?


Listen to the child. Acknowledge his feelings. This validates the child and his value.


Simply love the child. Every chance you get, show him you love him.


Teach the child one very important fact. That the people who tease have the problem. That he should feel bad for the teasers.  He should not feel badly that they are teasing him.


Remind him that he is a valuable person. Tell him why you appreciate him. And that you love and accept him the way he is.


Childhood teasing can leave scars that affect a person as an adult. But your intervention can make all the difference.

Watch the video above. It shows how to speak with a child who is teased.

Enable every child to soar like an eagle above life’s storms. Help every child to be strong emotionally no matter what.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Is your child sad?

Teach your child to be an overcomer.

Why do child readers become adult leaders?

The most powerful forces in the universe are love and positive thinking!


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!


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