Times Have Changed

I am glad times have changed. Aren’t you?

When I was a kid, all 90-plus members of my family squeezed into Grandma’s home for an incredible meal. Afterward, we kids ran around and played while the adults talked a bit. Then we kids piled into cars and went to a movie together.

When I became an adult, times changed. Now I go to a movie a few days before the big meal and take a walk after eating. This is a good change because my metabolism doesn’t burn nearly as many calories as it did when I was younger.

Yesterday, I saw a movie about the Underground Railroad. The movie HARRIET made me feel ashamed of part of US history—how our predecessors treated black people.

The movie begins in Maryland, where actress Cynthia Erivo plays the slave Harriet Tubman.  Risking her life, Harriet escapes from her owner after discovering he is trying to sell her and force her to live apart from her family. Erivo’s performance captures Harriet Tubman’s shining spirit, courage, compassion, and bravery as she leads slaves along the Underground Railroad to Canada.

Harriet spoke the most compelling dialogue to her master Gideon, played by Joe Alwyn. Harriet stands before her former master, with him kneeling and a gun pointing toward him. Seeing a vision of what would happen in the Civil War, a bloody field, in her mind, Harriet tells him that all people should be free and describes her revelation.

Times have changed.

Now Hollywood has produced a major movie about a renowned female icon from history instead of a male, and the US government will soon release a new $20 bill to honor this woman’s legacy.  The amount of joy I feel that people of color are no longer held in bondage to those with lighter skin equals the shame that this dark part of US history stirs in my heart.  Tomorrow, instead of spending their time preparing a meal for the white folks, those with darker skin will spend time with their loved ones.

I am glad times have changed. Aren’t you?


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