When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown


Tomorrow I am looking forward to you!

near a river encouraging words for children tomorrow bj rae bald eagle

Last night I stayed up too late writing my novel, and I was still groggy when my friend arrived at my home to walk at seven am. So I forgot to use bug protection. Can you imagine what happened?

A large group of black flies tried to carry me off.  They did—honest!  A zillion bugs swarmed my body and hovered over my skin and clothing everywhere! Thank goodness gravity is stronger than a zillion bugs!

One bug stuck to my glasses as I swatted him (pesky bugs have to be male because no member of my gender would annoy anyone so much!).  I dug in my pocket for a lens cleaning cloth and accidentally dropped the stylus I use for my phone.

When I got home, I ate three entire teaspoons of minced garlic to ward off bugs the rest of the day. The only problem was that the garlic also kept everyone else away from me–my husband, our dogs, other people…

Despite my body’s odor, we needed to run some errands. We got hungry, so we stopped at one of the best bagel shops in the whole world. The shop’s delicious smell advertises its products out to the parking lot, but then I walked in and the delicious scent temporarily went away.

Betcha you can’t guess what happened next!  I didn’t have to wait in line because the shop cleared out when I went in. Thank you garlic, for clearing the bagel store so I could quell my hunger sooner!

We came home and I made our business calls. My health insurance company was the worst!

Since my health insurance company’s phone program does not allow for a caller to request a callback, I had to hold 50 minutes to speak to “John O”. While holding, the awful music gave me a headache. Lucky me, I got the honor of listening to a very rotten unnamed and unknown instrumental song over and over the entire time I “patiently” waited until 6 pm.

Back at home and still smelling like garlic, I walked with my hubby and our two dogs—with them at a safe distance, of course. Although both my husband and I had searched earlier in our driveway for the stylus I dropped, it was right there in my driveway.  It wiggled as though it was laughing at me when I picked it up.

As I typed my journal, I processed today’s events. As usual, I described them and also wrote a summary.

Here are a few paragraphs from this document today.

  • My health insurance company plays horrible music for a reason. It wants me to go away and not bug them with my questions! Their efforts almost worked when my headache began, fifteen minutes into the l—o—-n—-g wait.
  • I can’t blame every living creature for staying away from me, because even I smelled the garlic odor seeping from my pores. But this gave me a great idea! If I need personal space in the future or the line is too long, I can instantly move everyone around me. I will keep a small ziplock baggie with minced garlic in my pocket for convenient times!
  • My stylus will not escape tomorrow or any other day in the future. When I fully woke up and my brain turned on, I decided to trap it next to my phone if I ever found it.  Even though it laughed at me when I picked it up, it has learned that there is no escape again!  Now I can poke my screen with it a zillion times a day and it will just dangle next to my phone when I give it a break. I am keeping it in “stylus jail” until the day its rubber tip falls off.  Despite my traumatic brain injury. I am smarter than a stylus!

I am going to bed early tonight and am contemplating tomorrow, finally Saturday. Should I not eat the garlic and be lonely, or eat it again and keep bugs away? I know I will not make any business calls, so no company can give me its musical “go away” message. Of course, knowing I am smarter than a stylus will give me confidence and remind me to believe in myself. Every time I look at this naughty device that hid from me today, I will remember that I can solve at least some of my problems.

When I wake up, I will continue to try to be the best version of me I can be,

and my day will be better.

What kind of day will you have?


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Should I do this soon?

Why should I tell someone?

How can I improve my tomorrow?

What are the best gifts I can give myself?


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on near a river!

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"Each reader's heart is like an eagle's and can soar above the storms in life..." - Near a River's Author, BJ Rae.

Written with uplifting words of encouragement, Near a River is a photographic children's book about two young bald eagles who are eager for their mother to teach them to fly so they may soar over the storms in their lives. Near a River encourages early childhood reading. BJ hopes that every child becomes a strong reader and soars above the storms in life.

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