Do You Understand Life?

Do you understand life?  I do not understand it fully, but I do understand these things…

Photograph by BJ Rae

Some days life is too hard, and other days it is quite enjoyable.

As I watched the sunrise on a Florida beach the past few mornings, I realized that understanding life requires an understanding of the beach.

Yes, life is like a beach.

First, the sky.

Sometimes the sky is too cloudy, and the clouds seem to hide the sun.  But eventually, the sun peaks out above or through the clouds, and the clouds pass.  At other times, there is so much sun that its light forces you to squint your eyes.  But this overwhelming sunlight passes just as the clouds pass.

Life is like the sky at the beach.  If you do not like what is happening presently, you just need to endure it for a short while.  Always understand that your present circumstances will change.

Second, the sand and waves.

When I walk along the beach near the waves, the water seems to chase me up the shore to drier ground. These waves are like the issues, good and bad, in my life.  I allow some of them to chase me further up the beach to dry ground, but sometimes I jump in and get my feet wet. Whether I try to escape to dry ground when I see them coming or jump into them to experience them more fully, I cannot completely avoid them.

Another fact about the waves is that they continually erode the sand along the shore and reshape it.

Additionally, sometimes I see trash on the sand, empty bottles, and other empty food packages, evidence that others have been enjoying the beach.

Life is like the sand and the waves at the beach.  Just as there is trash on the beach, negatives will pop up in your life.  To cope with life successfully, you must learn to ignore the negatives and focus on other things in your life.  These negatives are just reminders of others’ actions and words, and most of these are best forgotten! Remember that both good and bad issues will present themselves continually, and you cannot avoid them. And, yes, all of these things–the negatives, the good, and the bad–will reshape your life.

Third, the weather at the shore.

Most of the time, the weather is pleasant, but at other times it causes damage.  Weather systems can blow violent storms to the land from the ocean, and these storms batter the coastline.  After the storm passes, we must first assess the damage. This restoration process takes time and patience.

Life is like the weather at the shore.  When storms batter your life, you need to weather them as best you can.  After they pass, you need to figure out how to restore your life.  Always remember that this takes time, energy, and patience.

Fourth, the shells.

Have you ever tried to find a perfect conch shell on a beach? Most of the shells that wash up on the sand are common shells.  Some damaged conch shells and other rare shells wash up too.  Rarely can you find a perfect conch shell, except in a few places like the beach on Sanibel Island.  On Sanibel Island, whole and perfect rare shells frequently wash up on the shore.

The people in your life are like the shells on a beach.  If you are looking for a perfect person, you will have to look for a long time or in the right place. Otherwise, you will not find him or her.  If you do not want to spend your whole life searching, you can treasure the people in your life, imperfect as they are.  Remember that you are not perfect either.


When our life ends, our bodies will erode just as the waves continually erode the shoreline.  And after this happens, those we leave behind will remember us.  Will others remember you with fondness?  Or will they remember you with indifference or dislike?

As we drove near the shore, I have often seen bumper stickers with the words, “Life is a beach”.  Now I understand why people share those words as often as they do.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Your past does not define your life!

Forge ahead with a purpose in mind.

Make your life easier–with fast passes!

This will help you make life more beautiful…


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on near a river!


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