Recipe for Success!

Encouraging you to to volunteer and be successful on Near a River.

Volunteer to overcome your issues and succeed!


Do you want to feel satisfied with your life? Do you want to be successful?

John Tesh in his book Intelligence for Your Life writes that “God planted in us a conscience and a desire to love others”.  He describes the benefits of volunteering and helping others.

Helping others helps you in several ways.

  • Increases your sense of well-being,

  • Reduces your anxiety and worrying,

  • Alleviates chronic pain,

  • And reduces depression.

A volunteer feels happier and more satisfied with his life, has better physical and mental health, and feels more in control of his life. He is also more successful than others who do not spend time helping others.

My Grandma helped others every chance she got.  When her street was renamed, it was renamed after her.  I do not care to have a street named after me, but I copy her every chance I get.  I have personally experienced the benefits of volunteering and helping others.

When I was going through my divorce, I volunteered at a homeless shelter.  I served meals, cleaned, sorted clothing, and did anything else I could.  When I worked at the shelter, the loss of control I was feeling due to the divorce seemed to vanish.  I felt happy instead of depressed.

I still help others.  Every day I pick up trash along the road in the town I live in and I care for people’s homes and pets while they travel. Every chance I can,  I help any of my neighbors with anything I can—regardless of how small or unimportant the task may seem. Even if the task is simply picking up their pet’s poop!

Want to be successful?  Always remember that volunteering gives you a positive outlook on life, makes you feel more in control of your life, and improves your physical and mental health.  It also enables you to make positive social connections. These factors all contribute to success!

Parents, teach your children to be successful! Teach them the benefits of helping others by your example.

Do you feel sad?  Help someone else.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


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Are you having trouble sleeping?

You can survive hard times in your life.


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!



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