What You Can Do For Your Country

 What you can do for your country to improve its future.

John Kennedy made a famous statement, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”.  We probably all agree that it is good to improve your country.  But how can each one of us do that?

Here are some ways you can improve your country, no matter what country you live in.

  • Do what you can to improve your environment.

My friend Wendy and I walk at 6:30 am most days.  We take bags with us so we can pick up trash.  We do whatever we can to improve our environment as we enjoy our mountain surroundings.

  • Help others.

Everyone is busy. Few people have time to volunteer on a regular basis.  But we all can help others when we get the chance.  Random acts of kindness are one of the best ways to help others.  And we all can perform random acts of kindness when the chance arises.

  • Be responsible.

Take responsibility for yourself and your family.  Manage your finances to the best of your ability.  Raise your children to be successful.  Be as healthy as possible.  Keep your family healthy also.

Please never smoke around a child.  If you must smoke, please smoke outside far away from any child.

Second-hand smoke causes kids to have health issues, like allergies and asthma. My Stepdad smoked cigarettes constantly.  Every waking moment he had a cigarette in his hand.  Before he married my mother, I had no allergies.  I was 100% healthy. Three months after he married my mother, I developed asthma, allergies, and migraine headaches.

On his deathbed, my Stepdad told me he was sorry he had caused me to have health problems.  I forgave him. But the damage cannot be undone.

  • Remember that the children are the future of your country.

Make certain you set a good example for any child near you.  Make sure your child has as many good role models in his life as possible. Vote for leaders who treat others the way you want to be treated, and tell your children why you voted the way you did.

Raise your children to be readers.  (Remember that today’s readers are tomorrow’s leaders!)

Raise your children to enjoy exercise and being outside.


There are many things you can do to improve your country.   Each one may seem small, but all together they make a big impact.  Who knows?  Your child could grow up and be a Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Any child can be successful if you give him the chance! And children are the future of every country.

You do not have to be a politician to improve your country.  You can simply be a “World Changer”!  Every little thing you do impacts the world around you!

May you try to improve your country each day of your life.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


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What is your dream for the world?

Do you struggle with procrastination?

Use your head for more than a hat rack!

